
Tuesday 28 February 2017

Water worries

T1 W5
I am learning to summarise a text
I can put the main ideas of the page into one or two sentences
Water Worries - School Journal, L3, April 2012

Write a summary of each page in the box on the right.
Remember you should only have one or two sentences to summarise the ideas for each page.

Page 38
This page is about…
How every drop counts, and how water is very easy to take for granted.
Page 39
This page is about…
An endless cycle.You can get water from everywhere, and the cycle is known as “The Water cycle”.
Page 40-41
These pages are about…
The water cycle, which tells you different way to get water.This page is very interesting because it tells you about many things, which is like , River, Hail, Rain,  or Snow.There is also a new word I learnt which is “Vapour”.
Page 42-43
These pages are about…
The problems, it is about the problem that could affect water.
Page 44
This page is about…
How many countries and rivers, have shortage amount of water, or that the rivers are drying up.
Page 45
This page is about…
Unusual water solutions.Such as: Boats sailing to collect lake, rivers, and creek waters, to take away the salt and reuse it as drinkable water.Or using a type of net known as “The stretched nylon nets”.
Page 46
This page is about…
Our water future.There might be water issues which is why we're thinking we should start paying for water, and starting to help by having shorter showers.
Page 47
This page is about…
How rain could be drinkable, and products to make a “Rain harvester”.
Page 48
This page is about…
How to make a rain harvest.Also explaining how it works.

Complete these sentences using information from the text

  1. Often, we take water for granted being able to drink it in a glass, and not knowing the water issues.
  2. We get out water from all kinds of places, such as Rivers, streams, lakes, springs, rainwater from the roof, and even groundwater, (Which you cannot see but is there).
  3. All water in the world is part of the water cycle.
  4. The water cycle is when the water can get warm or cold as the sun and other types of the weather can be affected.
  5. When the sun heats water in oceans, rivers and lakes, some of that water drives the water cycle crazy.
  6. When it gets colder, moisture in clouds turns into rain, hail, and even snow.
  7. Some of this gets absorbed back into the Earth, where it come part of the groundwater supply, some of which come through spring.
  8. Because of the water cycle, the amount of water we have on Earth is quite a lot but the amount of water that we are using is changing.
  9. Serious pressure is being put on the water supply in Canterbury because of the people that are growing wheat and farm sheep.
  10. Rainwater washes this fertiliser, along with the animal waste, into our rivers.
  11. Anything that goes into outdoor drains is cleaned before getting into the river, drain water doesn't get treated.
  12. In many places around the world, not enough water for example, Desserts, Africa, and Australia.
  13. Less rainfall has caused some rivers to dry up, including The yellow river, The Murray-Darling, and the Colorado river.
  14. Desalination means when you remove the salt from the water.
  15. Fog harvesting is when they get a net and place it against two poles and the rain will fall on the fog, and drip down onto collectors at the bottom.
  16. Everyone can help use less water by
    1. Never waste a glass of water.
    2. Having shorter showers.
    3. Turn off the tap when brushing teeth.
  17. Rain can be harvested by random materials which you can find.
  18. To make your own rain harvester, you need:
           A.Container to hold the water
           B.Large plastic bag
           C.Two lengths of bamboo
           D.A twisty tie.
           E.Strong plastic tape

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