
Tuesday 24 October 2017

A teamwork exercise

“UGHHHhhhh” everyone was groaning but others were very excited; I think I was both because on one hand we have already done this exercise and on the other hand we were going to start the day with a fun little game.

On tuesday the 17th of October, Miss Ashley was really committed to find a solution to make writing a bit more exciting. “Today we are going to be do  a blindfold challenge; how this challenge works is that we have to pair up” my buddy was Syraiah - lee then we wrap the blindfold around the partner's eyes like a burrito; after miss finished explaining the exercise we started.

“This is really nerve-wrecking” I was thinking because I started off with Syraiah - lee and I felt like a leader but when it was my turn I was super petrified. Scared. Horrified. During the obstacle course I could hear people screaming, yelling, and tripping  which was really distracting but I knew that Syraiah - lee was trustworthy so I felt really confident and comfortable. “forward , right… your other right, crawl, left, forward, backward I was stressed.

As this exercise was continuing on it was very breathtaking because you might fall but I am probably just exaggerating because before I knew it was at the end basically scratching the wall. When I touched the wall we just came to an ending where we have to do describing words which made me quite disappointed because it was still the dreadful morning.

During the lesson I have learnt to always give things a try no matter how petrified you are just give it a shot and you will be amazed of how great the task is.


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